Any Future Plans are Tentative
Part I: C++
- Class 1: Hello C++. CLI, Headers, Variables, Functions, our world.
- Class 2: Bit by Bit Integers. Learning the integer types, bit manipulation (XOR, AND,
OR, SHIFTING, FLIPPPING), encoding information into bits, "bit masking".
- Class 3: Generate a Random Prime (fizzbuzz, random numbers, header files, breaking up a
large task, prime detection)
- Class 4: Dealing with Memory (pointers, dereferencing, aliases, address of (int *x vs *x
+ 2 vs int &x vs &x), allocating memory (new/delete vs
malloc/free), address arithmetic and arrays)
- Class 5: Classes, Structs, Templates
- Class 6: Loose Ends and a DIY string class (practice project)
- Class 7: Project 1 specification clarification, Basic Complexity Theory, Timing Samples, Debugging Advice
- Class 8: Makefiles, Templates, Headers for classes
- March 15th: Another Practice Test
Part 2: Learn how to build the STL
Part 3: Trees, BSTs, and more